
Who Was Swami Vivekananda?

Who was Swami Vivekananda?


                                                     About Swami Vivekananda

Master Vivekananda was born on 12 January 1863,  also known as  Narendranath Datta, was an Indian Hindu priest, a central supporter of the nineteenth-century Indian spiritualist Ramakrishna.

He was a key figure in the presentation of the Indian methods of reasoning of Vedanta and Yoga toward the Western world and is credited with raising interfaith mindfulness, carrying Hinduism to the status of a significant world religion during the late nineteenth century.

He was a significant power in the recovery of Hinduism in India and added to the idea of Indian patriotism as an apparatus of the battle against the British realm in frontier India.

Vivekananda established the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission. He is maybe most popular for his discourse which started with the words - "Sisters and siblings of America ...," in which he presented Hinduism at the Parliament of the World's  Religions in Chicago in 1893.

Naturally introduced to a blue-blooded Bengali Kayastha group of Calcutta, Vivekananda was slanted towards otherworldliness. He was impacted by his master, Ramakrishna, from whom he discovered that every single living being was an exemplification of the awesome self; along these lines, administration to God could be rendered by the administration to mankind.

After Ramakrishna's passing, Vivekananda visited the Indian subcontinent broadly and procured direct information on the conditions winning in British India. He later ventured out to the United States, speaking to India at 1893 Parliament of the World's Religions.

Vivekananda led many open and private talks and classes, dispersing principles of the Hindu way of thinking in the United States, England, and Europe. In India, Vivekananda is viewed as an energetic holy person, and his birthday is praised as National Youth Day.

He died on 4 July 1902. According to his followers, Vivekananda accomplished mahasamādhi; the burst of a vein in his cerebrum was accounted for as a potential reason for death.

Teachings Of Swami Vivekananda

1)  A depressed boy asked swami: “can there be anything worse than losing a girlfriend?”
      Swami replied:  “yes, losing your confidence in getting another”

2)  We are what our thoughts have made us;
      So take care of what you think,
      Words are secondary thought lives, they travel far.
3) When an idea exclusively occupies the mind,
     It is transformed into an actual physical or mental state.

4) Commitment

   Even a fool can accomplish a task if it were after his or her heart. But the intelligent ones are those who can convert every work into one that suits their heart.

5) Goal

   Take up One Idea, Make that idea your life. Think of it, dream of it. Live on the idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of idea and just leave every other idea alone. This the way to “Success and this is the way great spiritual giants are produced.

6) Education

    Education is the manifestation of perfection that is already within us.

7) We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish to be. We have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our actions.

8) Character

   Neither Money pays, nor name,
   Nor fame, nor learning,
   It is Character that can cleave through adamantine walls of difficulties. 
9) Fear and Fearlessness

  Be not afraid of anything. You will do marvelous work. The moment you fear, you are nobody. It is fear that is the great cause of misery in the world. It is fear that is the greatest of all superstitions. It fears that is the cause of our woes, and it is fearlessness that brings heaven even in a moment. Therefore, ‘Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.

10) Future

All the strength and success you want is within yourselves. Therefore make your own future. ’let the dead past bury its dead’. The infinite future is before you, and you must always remember that each word, thought, and deed, lays up a store for you and that, as the bad thoughts and bad works are ready to spring upon you like tigers, so also there is the inspiring hope that the good thoughts and good deeds are ready with the power of a hundred thousand angels to defend you always and forever.

Swami Vivekanand Inspirational Quotes

  • A good character is created only after stumbling thousands of times.

  • Someday when you do not face any problem, you can be sure that you are walking on the wrong path.

  • The path of life is not made, it is not read, it becomes a self-study, it is the way, it is designed.

  • All the powers of the universe are already ours, it is we who keep our eyes on them and then weep how dark it is.

  • Be a hero and always say: I have no fear.

  • Wake up and don't stop till you get your goal.

  • Truth can be told in a thousand ways, yet each will be true.

  • There is only one way to know the limits of the possible, transcending the impossible.

  • Talk to yourself once a day otherwise you will miss the chance to meet a great person.

  • Regardless of whether the world jokes or despises, a man should keep doing his duty.

  • Wake up, my lion, erase the illusion that you are weak, you are an immortal soul, an independent being, blessed, eternal, you are not an element, nor a body.

  • Do not condemn anyone if you can raise your hand to help, then definitely increase, if you can't raise, then join your hands, bless your brothers and let them go to their mercy.

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